
Minecraft forge
Minecraft forge

  • Rename the Forge Universal JAR file to custom-javaX.jar.
  • Wait until all files download before proceeding to the next step.
  • Click OK and the installer will begin downloading the Forge files into the folder you selected.
  • We recommend creating a temporary folder on your Desktop.

    minecraft forge

    Run the installer and select Install Server.Download the Installer from the latest Forge version.

    minecraft forge

    Go to Forge’s download page and select your intended Minecraft version from the left sidebar.If you are installing Forge 1.18+, please refer to the above section. Now you've got a home for all your handy mods, and for yourself.Note: Forge 1.18+ can only be installed to servers automatically due to a structural change. There are more blocky guides where that comes from, so here's how to build a house in Minecraft. Now it's just a simple matter of finding the Minecraft mods you like and installing them. MouseTweaks (opens in new tab) - Clicking and dragging can be a bit of a pain, so Mouse Tweaks optimises them by adding two different left mouse clicks and letting you use the mouse wheel, so you can speed the process up.You can view it in-game or even in a web browser. JourneyMap (opens in new tab) - This mod creates a map of your world as you explore and mark points of interest.JustEnoughItems (opens in new tab) - This item and recipe viewing mod is one of the most downloaded, and helps streamline the process of browsing and using materials.If you're looking for a few mods to try out with Minecraft Forge that'll help streamline the game experience, these are a good place to start: Click this and choose which mods to use.

    minecraft forge

  • Once the game loads, you'll see a new 'Mods' menu on the start screen.
  • Open Minecraft and change the profile to 'forge'.
  • Note: If you can't run the installer, check you have Java (opens in new tab) installed.
  • Go to the downloaded file (it should be at 'C:\Users\\\AppData\Roaming\\.minecraft\mods') and open.
  • Make sure that you download the version of Forge that corresponds to the version of Minecraft you have (if Minecraft is 1.1, download the 1.1 version of Forge).
  • minecraft forge

    First, head to Minecraftforge (opens in new tab) and download the program.

    Minecraft forge